Your webmaster also applies his limited talents to writing brief essays for the newsletter of the PCA Eastern Buckeye Region, which is dubbed der Strassenmeister. The newsletter is currently edited by Carl Picelle.
Here are a few from my personal archive. They may be reprinted or published only with my consent.
- A Matter Electric: The application of basic advice needed by every mechanic of the shade tree persuasion.
- Why A Wagon?: A V70 GLT inspired piece.
- Southern Fried Racing: A Yankee, Porschephile view of racing down south.
- In The Clutches of Progress: A brief and not very deep thought on the impact of improvements.
- Reynard: A pleasant day at the now defunct Reynard facility in Brackley. A sad loss for the racing community.
- Boring Cars: Be grateful to the Camry beside you.
- Round and Black: A consideration of tires and such.
- A View to A Hill: Musings on the imperative of the use of vision, beyond the obvious.
- Alignment Basics Part 1: Just what it sounds like.
- Alignment Basics Part 2: Real life adventures in negative camber. Not iambic pentameter.
- Real Heroes: You must go to The Glen, so that you begin to appreciate that Michael S has nothing on his predecessors.
- An Exhausting Exchange: The tribulations of the installation of SSIs and a comment on instructions in general.
- Ode to Grease: This is as far into the arcane as I will go.
- Hershey 2000: Impressions of the Hershey Swap Meet.
- Motoring Menace: Many of our roads’ worst drivers have something in common.
- EBR Meets the Wizard
- MSD Adventures